“Taking Shots” with Mrs. Bradley and Mr. Salcido

To graduate from Westmont, every student is required to complete an art credit. A great way to fulfill this requirement is in Digital Photography. If you are a Junior or Senior, you can enroll in Digital Photography.  

What got you interested in photography?

Mrs. Bradley: Growing up Mrs. Bradley always loved art; however, she didn’t have the patience for drawing and painting. In high school, Mrs.Bradley took a photo class in which she got to take and develop photos in the darkroom. Being able to work with her hands while combining her love of art, she knew it was love at first shot.

Stevie: Two people who influenced Stevie’s love for photography are his dad and Mrs. Bradley. When he was young, his dad owned a film camera and they would often take photos together and compare the difference between digital cameras and film cameras. In Stevie’s sophomore year of high school he got his first camera, then took Digital Photography I and II with Mrs. Bradley.

What do you like about photography?

Mrs. Bradley: Photography allows for portrayal of emotions and thoughts. The moment you take the picture is fast, but I enjoy taking my time in setup or editing, where I feel like I’m really able to create something.

Stevie: Photography (and especially editing in Photoshop) allows for me to capture my thoughts, which was something that wasn’t always easy to portray. 

Fun Fact about yourself? 

Mrs. Bradley: My favorite color is yellow, and I can also speak portuguese 

Stevie:  We both have our “thing.” Mine is roses and Mrs. Bradley’s is sunglasses. Also I have 3 tattoos, including one with all the photo classes I taught last year. 

What is the best part about being a photo teacher?

Mrs. Bradley: I love seeing the spark ignite with a student when everything clicks and they feel successful. Their excitement and joy from that is contagious. 

Stevie:  The class environment should be fun, but also a time to learn. I really look forward to coming to work to see each of the classes and creating connections with our students. My hope is that students leave the classroom feeling a bit better and excited to come back next class! 

What is your favorite part about teaching Digital Photography 1?

Mrs. Bradley: I have an awesome principal that gives me creative freedom, which also means I can build the class around the students and their interests. What makes this class special is the units students learn aren’t structured around a test, so I can change up the lessons and activities as the students need or want. I also love going outside with my students to take pictures.

Stevie: I enjoy seeing students grow from August until the end of the year. Another fun part is spending time in the darkroom developing film. Another favorite part is answering questions and brainstorming ideas with students. I also enjoy photoshop second semester, because it’s a great way to manipulate photos to your liking and see the cool outcomes that come from it. 

What is your favorite part about teaching Digital Photography 2?

Mrs. Bradley: Students are able to choose their own units, so Photo 2 covers a lot based on what the class is interested in. So we do new things every year!

Stevie: Photo 2 gives students more creative freedom and is centered around what you want to do. Plus it helps in refining their photo skills. Also, field trip possibilities (depending on the unit that we do).

Any advice you have for students who are interested in/enrolled in a photography course?

Mrs. Bradley: Take as many photos as you can for experience and make connections with people in the photo industry. 

Stevie: Challenge yourself to view the world from a different perspective. Don’t go for the obvious shot, try to take photos that are more out of the box. 

Why should students take photography?

Mrs. Bradley: “It’s fun!” If you enjoy going outside and learning awesome skills that you could one day get paid for, photography is definitely right for you. 

Stevie: Photo is a very interactive class and the skills acquired from class can be used to take better pictures on your phone. I agree, it’s VERY fun! 

If you want to learn more about photography, see what kind of photos current students make, or the fun activities that go on, check out the photography Instagram and Tiktok! Both can be found on @Westmontphotography