The Benefits of House Plants

By Julia Kemp

As an avid house plant-owner, I have found that owning plants is beneficial in so many ways. My plants are like my little children: I take care of them diligently and enjoy watching them flourish and grow in return. I’ve found that owning plants helps tremendously with my mental health. From plant shopping to watering to pruning, I’ve found that looking after plants is a great form of self-care and accomplishment. When I don’t feel like getting out of bed or cleaning my room, I remember that my plants depend on me to water them, and they are a form of motivation for me to clean up and look after them. Not only are plants extremely beneficial for my mental health, but also they serve as great room decor. One of my favorite hobbies is plant shopping; I love finding new and unique plants to put on a shelf or hang from my wall to make my room look like a perfectly chaotic jungle. I think that everyone should have at least one plant in their room because rooms just look better with plants in them (but not fake plants, fake plants suck). Finally, house plants benefit the air quality in your room. (Did you know that when NASA was trying to find ways to purify air in sealed air crafts, they found that putting indoor plants in the craft reduced airborne volatile organic compounds?) Plants will help purify the air in your room, which will improve your health. Altogether, owning indoor plants help improve your physical and mental health and serve as unique room decorations.