Top Five Things to Bring on a Deserted Island

By Isabel Kikoshima

  1. Hiking boots

First off, I would bring hiking boots with lots of grip and durability for the terrain of the deserted island. As an avid hiker, I think hiking boots are a must-have on a deserted island because they would allow me to explore the island comfortably. 

  1. My Hydro Flask

I would also bring my Hydro Flask water bottle, which is a necessity for holding drinks: hot or cold.

  1. The Office

For entertainment, I would bring The Office. This would be my top choice as a TV show on a deserted island because the show offers five seasons of humorous comedy that never gets old. 

  1. Trail Mix

Arguably the best snack ever created, trail mix would definitely come with me to a deserted island. Not only does trail mix taste delicious, but it is also very nutritious. The variety and convenience of a pack of trail mix make it a perfect snack to bring.   

  1. Art Supplies

Lastly, to keep myself busy, I would bring my pens and paper so I can draw and journal while on the island.